Hand-stitching (Commission Update)

A  picture is worth 1000 words, right? Working on stitching on the decorative brass buttons, then, on to all the functional closures, actually affixing the epaulets (pinned in right now), and tackling the cape (which shouldn’t take much time at all). But first,...


Took a break this week from knits (the only thing I can reasonably expect to complete in the car and during breaks at work) and stitching the Rose of Versailles jacket (need to get another spool of golden thread this weekend). I had a little help drafting the pattern...

Epaulets! (Rose of Versailles)

When you want things done right, you have to do them yourself, right? There’s nothing marginally decent in the trim sections at the fabric store–it’s all either too huge or too fake-looking. Spent a lovely afternoon stitching fringed trim for these...

Commission updates and such

So, it was slow-going on the sewing front in the latter half of September. We lost my husband’s grandmother and then a plague took hold in our home (I blame the less-than-ideal nutrition from four days of mourning in the South–we strayed incredibly far...

Is it September already!?

August was a very busy month, with Pennsic and Gen Con, followed by two weeks of playing catch-up at work and at home (read: epic amounts of email, weeding, and laundry). I don’t have a lot to show for it, as I was less-than-diligent about my camera use, but if...

Busy, busy!

Pennsic is just a week away and I am so not ready–at the very least, I need to finish a couple more foundation garments for myself and the munchkin, and ideally, I should try to squeeze in a couple of kirtles and my linen Spanish Loose Gown, so that I can use my...

Update for Nautilus: Shirt and breeches!

Spent the better part of the day tweaking the breeches pattern and assembling both the shirt and breeches. The stretch twill was way stretchier than I anticipated based on the swatch I ordered, so I ended up taking them in as I went. The silk poplin was a dream to...