Back to basics, update for Nautilus

Apologies for the radio silence. My darling husband’s been the-only-IT-guy at work while his colleague’s on vacation. This has meant harried evenings and workings-late that keep the toddler-fingers too perilously close to all the pins and silks if I attempt to sew. On...

Update: 2012-2013 Commission Schedule

Motherhood, the transition to Real Food, and increased involvement in SCA and church projects has made me realize that I’ll have to continue scaling back on the commissions front.  Here’s what I will be working on over the summer: 18th c. military-inspired...

A week of baby stitching

Dorothea and I got a lot done this week (baby-wearing rocks!).  Mostly, I spent the last 5 days cutting out projects.  There are still a lot of projects left, but I’ve completed an epic baby seal bunting from Ottobre Magazine’s Winter 2010...

Knitting in the NICU

I had hoped I’d be able to squeeze in a little morning or afternoon sewing for the baby while she was in the hospital, but it turns out I’m too anxious to see her each morning and have too many other more necessary things to attend to while dinner cooks to...

June de-railment

Just when I thought I’d escaped the most debilitating of pregnancy symptoms, I started getting dizzy, nauseous, etc.  Please pardon the radio silence.  I’m still stitching, but most of my personal projects have taken a back seat to naps. ...

May Day

May is underway, and I’m making progress!Goals:0 of 1 item(s) for Etsy 1779 of 800 knit stitches (The completion of my mini sweater with 427 stitches and made a 1352 stitch start on a pixie cap to match the pink booties)1 of 4 items for myself, my...


I successfully made two booties.  And they’re the same size!Add 1334 more stitches to my monthly goal of 800.  I think I may need to reevaluate my goal.

April Showers and Stitch Update

With one week to go in the month of April, I figured an update was in order.  It’s raining today, so I’m hoping to get a great deal of stitching done before braving the elements to deposit a check and grab a few materials for next month’s...