August was a very busy month, with Pennsic and Gen Con, followed by two weeks of playing catch-up at work and at home (read: epic amounts of email, weeding, and laundry).

I don’t have a lot to show for it, as I was less-than-diligent about my camera use, but if you’d like to see how all the last-minute Pennsic stitchery went, here’s our little Doodlebug in her finery (click the photo to see the album).

I managed to get one photo of Penelope modeling the mini-GenCon swag we made in my Sewing and Crafting for BJD class, and failed miserably to take any photos of my corset-makers in training (sorry!).
GenCon BJD Shirt

I did some preliminary work on patterning for the final bits (coat) of Nautilus’ commission before GenCon (this involved a few hours scaling up actual 19th c. military coat pattern scale drawings, with the aid of a couple of rulers, and then, eventually, a photocopier). I’m hoping to get a muslin stitched up this weekend (barring toddler-induced chaos). Once that’s all done, it’ll be on to the fun part–the embellishment (I found some miniature military-ish brass and can’t wait for that part!). Stay tuned!

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