So I’ve been doing a lot of not-sewing lately.

The Elizabeth of Austria Gown is still in my To-Do stack, waiting for the proper beads to show themselves.

Not that I’m upset. I have to start working on my outfit for Inferno, and I owe my web designer a 19th century dress. And then there’s lots of doll stuff to make.

Plus, my husband and I have embarked on a new fitness regime and promised to totally reorganize and clean our house by Oct. 6th.

Once the house is back to normal, my first project will be to finish the green striped silk gown. I’m making 2, since there was just enough fabric and I couldn’t think of anything else to do with it. A few more ruffles, some gathering, and a bunch of snaps, strings, and hooks are all that stand between Nel and her new dress.
In progress, front.  Everything's still pinned in place.  And the gilet is giving me loads of trouble.

Side view of green striped gown in progress

I suppose I’ll sell the other one to help cover the cost of silk for her Rainyverse evening gown.

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