About Sewing for Geeks
Sometimes, when I can bear to give them up, I do make my creations available, and I take occasional commissioned work. My specialties are doll clothing – from dollhouse miniatures to 1/3 scale BJD.
I partner with Alice, the Fabric Ninja, to teach sewing skills so that others can make stuff, too. You can find us teaching at geeky conventions or around the Indy area.
Who’s behind Sewing for Geeks?
My name is Aimee Rose Formo and I’m a stitch-a-holic.
I’ve been making stuff since my grandmother taught me how to sew on a button at the age of 4. I have been accused of being an overachiever. My current obsessions are sewing, knitting, 15th century Spanish clothing, Real Food, and cooperative schooling, urban farming, and grain-free dairy-free baking.
I am a Hoosier native who until recently spent more years outside of Indiana than in it, and I have an embarrassing number of unfinished projects on the backburner. When I’m not blogging to keep myself accountable (or crafting and forgetting to blog about it – oops!), I’m a mom to two kids under 10 and I work in international education.